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The interesting question is what are the author’s experiments? Is it only the way for shocking audience to catch their attention? The idea which boosts the author is based on the consequences of development of technologies. Very often engineers create and build machines and devices which are more “perfect” than their creators. It motivates Stelarc to check and try new usage of the modern technologies which could be combined with human bodies.

The other perspective of embodiment was shown by researchers who wanted to  prove that it is possible to leave body. For centuries people have tried to separate body from conscience.  This theory was influenced also by many religions which assumed the existence of a soul, an immaterial part of person which is assigned to every person. In many movies or stories a person who is dying can see himself or herself when the soul is leaving the body. Also doctors working with people who were in very complicated situations, they almost survived the moment of death mentioned that their patients were telling them the stories of leaving their bodies and watching themselves from different perspective.
Scientists interested in this topic tried to analyze the problem and confirm whether it is possible to leave human body.