Virtual reality is the most radical form of insertion of a user into a virtual environment (or vice versa), since it puts the screen right in front of the viewer’s eyes through a headset or glasses, immersing the user in an artificial world and eliminating or augmenting the physical one. The example of a force-feedback device which translates phenomena and actions in the virtual world into a physical sensation for the user is “Painstation”, where players are hit for every mistake they make by the machine, shows us the advances in technology towards full immersion. But still, in the case of Painstation we can distinguish on the one hand virtual environment, which includes for instance playing tennis on computer game, and on the other hand also real environment when the players are hit by Painstation itself and consequently feel pain, which makes players aware of their physicality as well. Also in this case it goes for the mixed reality person is involved in. On the one hand real environment with all tangible objects and on the other hand virtual environment, which consists of computer generated objects. The use of the mouse and pain players feel, when they are hit by the machine, remind players being in the real environment and thus prevent total immersion, because we can’t escape our bodies.
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